The Insanity & Inspiration Of Elon Musk Take Shape In New Coloring Book

Air Quality[1]

Published on June 16th, 2020 | by Kyle Field

June 16th, 2020 by Kyle Field[2] 

Image courtesy Salina Marie Gomez

Inspired By Elon Musk’s Tweets, Artist Creates Coloring Book Based On Them

Elon Musk is known for many things, but he regularly makes headlines with his insightful, engaging, and sometimes batshit crazy tweets sent out into the ether to his 36 million+ followers.

As many humans have been over the years, artist Salina Marie Gomez was hooked by Musk’s eccentric, insightful, and inspiring tweets when she first found them in 2016. By 2017, she was a full blown Musker, following his every tweet. “My inner child woke right up as I researched what he had been achieving and what he was planning to achieve,” she said in a press brief.

The passion Musk inspired for all things clean energy, space exploration, and everything in between infected Gomez, eventually manifesting itself in the form of a new art series, dubbed The Illuminated Tweets of Elon Musk[3]. Each piece depicts fanciful interpretations of Musk’s tweets in a format that lets everyone engage directly in the exercise: a coloring book.

“Tesla exists to help reduce risk of catastrophic climate change, which affects all species on Earth. Even if your faith in humanity is faltering, this is worth caring about. Support makes a difference. Thank you.” Image courtesy Salina Marie Gomez

The line art creations were pulled from Musk’s tweets from 2016 through 2019 and will manifest in a high quality 9″ x 11″ book that sounds like it would be equally fitting at home on the kitchen table with a set of color pencils as it would be on a coffee table as a discussion piece.

— Soft Cover: Color Laminated Matte with Holographic Gold Foil accents

— 52 black & white coloring pages

— Reverse side of coloring pages: Cited & Dated tweet

— 100 lb paper weight: Sturdy for coloring

— Perforated pages for easy removal

“Falcon has landed.” Image courtesy Salina Marie Gomez

The first 50 of an expected 52 creations have already been thrown down, with two more that will be finished before the book moves out of the digital world into the physical world. Having built the project on the support of a robust team of Patreon supporters, Gomez is now looking to bring the book into the real world with a crowdfunding campaign.

She has launched a Kickstarter campaign[4] to fund the first run of books and get them into the hands of those who appreciate her unique perspective on Musk, the future, space, and cleantech. I bought one and am looking forward to letting my friends, family, and visitors add some color to the author’s vision. “I wanted these drawings to be playful and bring joy to the topic of our future. I hope that you delight in them as much as I did when I drew them,” Gomez said.

“New Boring Company merch coming soon. Lifesize LEGO-like interlocking bricks made from tunneling rock that you can use to create sculptures & buildings. Rated for California seismic loads, so super strong, but bored in the middle, like an aircraft wing spar, so not heavy.” Image courtesy Salina Marie Gomez

In Defense of Science

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Tags: Bankwuptcy, Elon Musk, Salina Marie Gomez, SpaceX, Tesla, The Illuminated Tweets of Elon Musk, twitter

About the Author

Kyle Field[12] I’m a tech geek passionately in search of actionable ways to reduce the negative impact my life has on the planet, save money and reduce stress. Live intentionally, make conscious decisions, love more, act responsibly, play. The more you know, the less you need. TSLA investor.


  1. ^ Air Quality (
  2. ^ Kyle Field (
  3. ^ The Illuminated Tweets of Elon Musk (
  4. ^ launched a Kickstarter campaign (
  5. ^ Bankwuptcy (
  6. ^ Elon Musk (
  7. ^ Salina Marie Gomez (
  8. ^ SpaceX (
  9. ^ Tesla (
  10. ^ The Illuminated Tweets of Elon Musk (
  11. ^ twitter (
  12. ^ Posts by Kyle Field (

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