Longi flags September launch of 540W Hi-MO 5 solar module

Chinese PV giant Longi Solar has released the specs on its upcoming contribution to the ultra-high-power 500W-plus solar module market, the Hi-MO 5.

The company said on Monday that the new module, which ias due to begin production in September of this year, would have a “front-side” power capacity of up to 540W, and more than 21% energy conversion,

The “Technical Brief” details the technologies behind the module – which Longi says is designed for applications in utility-scale power plants – including gallium-doped silicon wafers and proprietary “Smart Soldering” technology.

“Designed from the ground up with the latest technology and deep customer insights, LONGi optimized gallium-doped M10 standard silicon wafers (182mm) to produce a P-Type Mono PERC module with the lowest LID, increased attenuation performance and high power, match long-term reliability,” the company said[1].

The “Smart Soldering” is used to increase module conversion efficiency – in this case by 0.3%. Longi says the proprietary technology uses “integrated segmented soldering ribbons” that maximise light capture and reduced the gap between solar cells.

Longi says that while gallium-doped silicon wafers are more expensive, it has been able to address this with advances in technology and production scale.

Longi said it had tested the modules in simulations using fixed brackets and centralised inverters, and achieved a reduction in balance-of-system costs of more than $US0.012c/W compared to mainstream products in the market.

Using string inverters, the Hi-MO 5 was shown to improve the capacity ratio of the power plant, reduce AC equipment cost, and bring deliver a competitive levelled cost of energy for large power plants.

“Creating, from the ground up, a high-power module that meets customers’ requirements is the inspiration behind Hi-MO 5,” said Dennis She, Longi Solar’s senior vice president.

“To do that, we engaged the full force of Longi’s innovations and insights from our customers.

“The value of innovation lies in applications. The mass production of advanced technology can deliver true value. We look forward to delivering value, higher power and lower LCOE to our global partners and customers that enables a new wave of photovoltaic grid parity,” She said.

The Hi-MO 5 follows up on the Hi-MO 4, which was launched in Australia in April[2] this year, and the Hi-Mo X module which was launched in Melbourne[3] in August of 2019.

The Hi-Mo 4 series offers a 370W panel with a 20.3 per cent efficiency – a record high, according to Longi, in mid-range price products – that is pitched at the residential and small commercial segment as “maximum power on limited roof space.”


  1. ^ said (www.facebook.com)
  2. ^ launched in Australia in April (onestepoffthegrid.com.au)
  3. ^ Hi-Mo X module which was launched in Melbourne (reneweconomy.com.au)

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