AZZO to take on America

Adelaide-based renewable and microgrid energy solutions firm AZZO is taking advantage of its strong Australian root system to expand into the U.S. market. 

AZZO, whose Adelaide offices are located under one of Australia’s largest rooftop solar arrays in the Tonsley Innovation District, is going to base its U.S. operations in Fairfield, New Jersey. [2]

AZZO’s technological solutions, particularly its modular monitoring and cloud systems, are important facilitators on the pivot of the transition from centralised to decentralised energy through the diffusive power of renewable energy. Utilisation of AZZO’s cloud-system for instance, helps a customer with that all important shift from consumer of energy to prosumer. As energy becomes more democratic, AZZO provides the voting booth. 


AZZO’s software development in the renewable sector is diverse but one central aspect is forecasting.  

As the Australian Energy Market Operator’s (AEMO) 2019-2020 Operations Review found, large-scale and rooftop solar both suffered from forecasting errors brought on by the Black Summer fires’ at billowing smoke clouds. For as solar becomes more integrated into the NEM, the necessity of real-time and accurate weather forecasting is growing day to day. [3]

Energy Management

Another key skill nurtured and matured in the Australian market is AZZO’s energy management. As mentioned above, AZZO’s Adelaide-offices are located under the 6 MW of solar at the Tonsley Innovation District. Perhaps it is not surprising then that AZZO has been at the centre of the precinct’s power management. 

Managing the sheer scale of thousands of solar panels on the Tonsley rooftops is one thing, but managing the distribution of that power subtly enough to provide for each businesses’ tendencies requires the kind of automation, engineering and software that AZZO specialises in. 

Indeed, AZZO provided the interface which allowed the solar system to ‘talk’ with the distribution service. Not only has this solution proved successful even as more businesses have joined the the Hub, but AZZO has helped the district do what it promises for all renewable energy consumers, helps them become prosumers, for Tonsley is now exporting power to the grid and recovering the costs of the entire development. 

Australian Made

AZZO is not the first Australian clean energy company to take on the U.S. To mention just one other example, Brisbane-based Tritium is on its way to becoming a world leader in EV charging technology after rapidly expanding across the U.S. and Europe. [4]

At this pivotal time in the energy transition, when important decisions need to be made in order to reach the point of becoming a global renewable energy powerhouse, it is the example set by companies such as AZZO and Tritium that can inspire wider policy. Clearly, Australia’s resources and innovative prowess puts the nation at the forefront of the energy transition, but if Australia is going to lead the world in this sector, it needs to follow the advice and instruction provided by private scouting parties. 

AZZO’s expansion into the U.S. begins on the East-Coast, with New York, New Jersey and Boston forecast as key markets on which to focus.


  1. ^ Posts by Blake Matich (
  2. ^ Tonsley Innovation District (
  3. ^ ustralian Energy Market Operator’s (AEMO) 2019-2020 Operations Review found (
  4. ^ Brisbane-based Tritium (

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