RWE inks 300-MW PPAs with Dominion Energy Virginia

RWE Clean Energy, an RWE company[1] and a top-tier renewable energy company in the U.S., announced the signing of eight long-term utility-scale power purchase agreements (PPAs) with electric utility Dominion Energy for seven solar projects in Virginia. The deal involves a total solar capacity of more than 300 MW, capable of generating 750,000+ MWh of solar electricity to power over 70,000 homes in the state.

As of Q1 2023, over 4,314 MW of solar[2] was installed in Virginia. Since 2020, there has been a significant increase in capacity, with utility-scale solar installations contributing a marked portion. Under the support of the Clean Economy Act[3], utility-scale solar is projected to experience encouraging, continuous growth in the coming years.

Watlington Solar Project by RWE
Image: RWE Clean Energy

In accordance with its net-zero commitment, Dominion Energy plans to achieve net-zero emissions by the year 2050. With its robust utility-scale project portfolio, RWE Clean Energy is confident that it can contribute to a more reliable, greener energy grid, allowing Dominion Energy Virginia to supply sufficient carbon-free electricity to more than 2.8 million customers in the state while reducing costs to ratepayers. Broadly speaking, the portfolio is also to lead a diverse energy landscape for Virginia.

“We’re invigorated by our ability to help Dominion move forward with a slate of projects in its home state of Virginia that reduces its carbon footprint and helps get the industry closer to achieving net zero,” said Mark Noyes, CEO of RWE Clean Energy.

These solar projects are Pleasant Hill Solar, Wythe County Solar, Watlington Solar, Switchgrass Solar, Groves Solar, 360 Solar and Harrisonburg Solar. Two are currently under operation, one under construction and four under development.

Each project has a PPA in place with Dominion Energy Virginia. RWE Clean Energy will serve as the long-term owner-operator of each project.

Beyond this deal, RWE Clean Energy signed a PPA for its 80-MW Water Strider Solar project with Dominion Energy Virginia in 2021. Also contracted with Dominion Energy Virginia in recent years are eight distributed energy resource (DER) PPAs for 24 MW.


  1. ^ an RWE company (
  2. ^ over 4,314 MW of solar (
  3. ^ Under the support of the Clean Economy Act (

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